Monday, 11 June 2012

IP configuration in AIX

Here are some TCP/IP related commands, might be usefull.
Generally by using ifconfig and route commands your settings will not be preserved after the reboot, because the settings will not be stored in the ODM.
So to make the settings persistent across reboots use mktcpip or chdev for IP configuration and for the routing table smit route, /etc/ or chdev

List routes stored in ODM
# odmget -q "attribute=route" CuAt
View curent routing table
# netstat -rn
Delete default route (persistent)
# chdev -l inet0 -a dellroute=net,-hopcount,0,,0,
Define default route (persistent)
# chdev -l inet0 -a route=net,-hopcount,0,,0,
Lookup route information
# route get 
To permanently assign a IP to the en1 interface:
# chdev -l en1 -a netaddr= -a netmask=
The following command sets the IP configuration on the specified adpter, adds an entry into /etc/hosts, and adds a static route to the routing table.
                  | Hostname           
# mktcpip -i en2 -h power1 -g -a -m
           |                |              |              |
           Interface        Gateway        Address        Netmask
View inet0 configuration
# lsattr -El inet0
To create a persistent IP alias:
         Interface name
# chdev -l en0 -a alias4=,
en0 changed     |
To permanently remove an IP alias
         Interface name     IP and netmask as shwon in `lsattr -El en0`
         |                  | 
# chdev -l en0 -a delalias4=,
en0 changed     |
Media link speed for the en0 interface
# entstat -d en0 | grep "Media Speed"
Show all listening ports
netstat -anf inet | grep LISTEN
Show domain name server settings
# namerslv -s
 * Source Article from : Internet