AIX Documentation
Today we will have a look at AIX documentations.
Before going into the details, let us see a figure regarding AIX documentation.
softcopy documentation is loaded on a documentation server. Any other
computer on the network with a web-browser software can access the
documentation from the server, these machines are called Documentation
To configure the Documentation Server, the following has to be installed and configured:
a.AIX softcopy documentation
b.Eclipse Web Server
c.Web Browser Software
The Documentation Client needs to just have a web browser software like Internet explorer.
Configuration of online AIX documentation
•Install the Web Server Software and start the Web Server Software
•Install the Web Browser Software
•Install the AIX documentation
•Install the Information Center run time environment
–AIX 5L V5.3 Documentation CD
–Includes internal eclipse Web server
•Configure Documentation Services
– #smit change_documentation_services
**NOTE:- [Steps to configure the AIX Online Documentation on the Documentation server are as follows:-
•Install the mozilla web brower from expansion Pack CD.
•#smit change_documentation_services ]
IBM pSeries Information Center
Once the AIX Documentation is configured on your machine, you can access it
Using the web browser. In the web browser’s address bar you can type in
Instead of hostname you can also use the ip address.
Information Center Documents
you type the proper address in address bar you will get the home page
of documentation. On the home page you will get links for PDFs that
contains the AIX commands. You can download these PDFs to your machine
and save them for future use.
Information Center Search
you can see the search box where you can type command name and then
click on go button. It will show all the pages links in the left pane
that contains the word you typed in search box.
* Source Article from : Internet