Monday, 23 April 2012

Export and Import a Volume Group

Export and Import a Volume Group
Assuming that we want to migrate, on a VIOC, one or more currently SAN disks attached on a local fibre channel adapter to the same one or more SAN disks but now presented as SCSI storage media, seen -- this time -- through a VIOS.
Here is the logical steps to follow... when all things doesn't work as expected (real life example)!
Get the list of the physical and logical volumes corresponding to the volume group:
# lsvg -p nordikavg
hdisk2            active            269         0           00..00..00..00..00
hdisk3            active            269         0           00..00..00..00..00
hdisk4            active            269         0           00..00..00..00..00
hdisk5            active            269         115         07..00..00..54..54
hdisk6            active            269         269         54..54..53..54..54
# lsvg -l nordikavg      
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
loglv01             jfs2log    1     1     1    open/syncd    N/A
fslv01              jfs2       480   480   2    open/syncd    /files/tables_oragl
fslv02              jfs2       80    80    2    open/syncd    /files/oracle
fslv03              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/tempo_oragl
fslv05              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/redologs_oragl
fslv06              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/system_oragl
fslv07              jfs2       280   280   2    open/syncd    /files/tmpcdinst
Unmount the already mounted file systems:
# umount /files/tables_oragl
# umount /files/oracle
# umount /files/tempo_oragl
# umount /files/redologs_oragl
# umount /files/system_oragl
# umount /files/tmpcdinst
Deactivate a volume group and export the definition of a volume group from a set of physical volumes:
# varyoffvg nordikavg
# exportvg nordikavg
Having verified that there is no physical volumes in the desired volume group using lspv, remove them from the devices list with the corresponding adapter:
# rmdev -l hdisk2 -Rd
# rmdev -l hdisk3 -Rd
# rmdev -l hdisk4 -Rd
# rmdev -l hdisk5 -Rd
# rmdev -l hdisk6 -Rd
# lsslot -c slot
# rmdev -l pci2 -Rd
We assume that the fibre channel adapter is now seen through a VIOS: it is not shown here how to dynamically move it from the LPAR to the VIOS and allocate the PVs to a particular VIOC, i.e. nordika in our case.
Make the new disks available to the OS and verify that the presented LUNs are the right ones:
# cfgmgr
# lscfg -l hdisk2
  hdisk2           U9113.550.65E3A0C-V5-C5-T1-L830000000000  Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
# lscfg -l hdisk3
  hdisk3           U9113.550.65E3A0C-V5-C5-T1-L840000000000  Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
# lscfg -l hdisk4
  hdisk4           U9113.550.65E3A0C-V5-C5-T1-L850000000000  Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
# lscfg -l hdisk5
  hdisk5           U9113.550.65E3A0C-V5-C5-T1-L860000000000  Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
# lscfg -l hdisk6
  hdisk6           U9113.550.65E3A0C-V5-C5-T1-L870000000000  Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
Generally, we just have to import the nordikavg volume group, activate it, mount the file systems on it and... enjoy. Since we encountered a problem during the import (the information between the VM and the ODM seems not synchronized accordingly), here are the steps we follow to recover the situation.
Reimport the volume group, redefine the set of PVs of the given VG in the device configuration database and activate it:
# importvg nordikavg               /* Ooops... something goes wrong here! */
# redefinevg -d hdisk2 nordikavg   /* One disk is sufficient to get the volume group information back. */
# varyonvg nordikavg
Ok, the PVs are back in the configuration but not the type of the LVs, according to:
# lsvg -l nordikavg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
loglv01             ???        1     1     1    open/syncd    N/A
fslv01              ???        480   480   2    open/syncd    /files/tables_oragl
fslv02              ???        80    80    2    open/syncd    /files/oracle
fslv03              ???        40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/tempo_oragl
fslv05              ???        40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/redologs_oragl
fslv06              ???        40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/system_oragl
fslv07              ???        280   280   2    open/syncd    /files/tmpcdinst
Synchronize or rebuild the logical volume control block, the device configuration database and the volume group descriptor areas on the PVs:
# synclvodm -v -P nordikavg
synclvodm: Physical volume data updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume loglv01 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv01 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv02 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv03 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv05 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv06 updated.
synclvodm: Logical volume fslv07 updated.
# lsvg -l nordikavg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
loglv01             jfs2log    1     1     1    open/syncd    N/A
fslv01              jfs2       480   480   2    open/syncd    /files/tables_oragl
fslv02              jfs2       80    80    2    open/syncd    /files/oracle
fslv03              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/tempo_oragl
fslv05              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/redologs_oragl
fslv06              jfs2       40    40    1    open/syncd    /files/system_oragl
fslv07              jfs2       280   280   2    open/syncd    /files/tmpcdinst
Create complete boot image and device (in order to keep the type of LVs persistent across reboot):
# bosboot -a

bosboot: Boot image is 23377 512 byte blocks.
Mount the file systems and... enjoy :)
# mount /files/tables_oragl
# mount /files/oracle
# mount /files/tempo_oragl
# mount /files/redologs_oragl
# mount /files/system_oragl
# mount /files/tmpcdinst

* Source Article from : Internet