Tuesday, 17 July 2012

lsvg VGName: Explanation of the Volume Group Characteristics

To list characteristics of a particular Volume Group, we use the lsvg command  and name of Volume Group.
Let me take below example and explain
webmanul01:/> lsvg sapvg
VOLUME GROUP:       sapvg                       VG IDENTIFIER:  000aac4c0000d6000000012f114223ea
VG STATE:           active                                 PP SIZE:        256 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION:      read/write               TOTAL PPs:      1691 (432896 megabytes)
MAX LVs:            256                                       FREE PPs:       1110 (284160 megabytes)
LVs:                2                                                   USED PPs:       581 (148736 megabytes)
OPEN LVs:           2                                           QUORUM:         2 (Enabled)
TOTAL PVs:          3                                         VG DESCRIPTORS: 3
STALE PVs:          0                                          STALE PPs:      0
ACTIVE PVs:         3                                        AUTO ON:        yes
MAX PPs per VG:     32768                         MAX PVs:        1024
LTG size (Dynamic): 256 kilobyte(s)     AUTO SYNC:      no
HOT SPARE:          no                                      BB POLICY:      relocatable
Explanation of the fields displayed:
Volume group  : Name of the volume group.
Volume group state :  State of the volume group. If the volume group is activated with the varyonvg command, the state is either active/complete (indicating all physical volumes are active) or active/partial (indicating some physical volumes are not active). If the volume group is not activated with the varyonvg
command, the state is inactive.
Permission Access permission: read-only or read-write.
Max LVs  : Maximum number of logical volumes allowed in the volume group.
LVs : Number of logical volumes currently in the volume group.
Open LVs : Number of logical volumes within the volume group that are currently open.
Total PVs : Total number of physical volumes within the volume group.
Active PVs : Number of physical volumes that are currently active.
VG identifier: The volume group identifier.
PP size : Size of each physical partition.
Total PPs : Total number of physical partitions within the volume group.
Free PPs: Total number of physical partitions not allocated.
Alloc PPs:  Number of physical partitions currently allocated to logical volumes.
Quorum: Number of physical volumes needed for a majority.
VGDS Number: of volume group descriptor areas within the volume group.
*Auto-on : Automatic activation at IPL (yes or no).
*Concurrent :States whether or not the volume group is Concurrent Capable or Non-Concurrent Capable. Applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
*Auto-Concurrent : States whether you should autovary the Concurrent Capable volume group in concurrent or non-concurrent mode. For volume groups that
are Non-Concurrent Capable, this value defaults to Disabled. Applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
*VG Mode: The vary on mode of the volume group: Concurrent or Non-Concurrent. Applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
*Node ID: Node ID of this node if volume group is varied on in concurrent node.
*Active Nodes: Node IDs of other concurrent nodes that have this volume group varied on.
Max PPs : PV Maximum number of physical partitions per physical volume allowed for this volume group.
Max PVs : Maximum number of physical volumes allowed in this volume group.
LTG size : Logical track group size of the volume group. The maximum amount of data that can be transferred in one I/O request to the disks of the volume group. The LTG size  will be displayed in kilobytes unless the LTG size is greater than 1 MB, in which case megabytes will be used. If the volume group was created on AIX(R) 5.3, then it is capable of dynamically determining the LTG size based-on the disk topology and it is listed as Dynamic. If that capability is disabled by the user with the
varyonvg -M option, then it will be listed as Static. If the capability does not exist because the volume group was created prior to AIX(R) 5.3, then the VG will  not be listed as Static or Dynamic.
BB POLICY : Bad block relocation policy of the volume group.
SNAPSHOT VG : Snapshot volume group name if the snapshot volume group is active, else snapshot volume group identifier.
PRIMARY VG : Original volume group name of a snapshot volume group if the original volume group is active, else original volume group identifier.
PV Restriction : Displays the existing PV type restriction on the physical volumes comprising the volume group. A value of none indicates no PV restriction exists for the volume   group. A value of SSD indicates the volume group has a PV restriction requiring all PVs to be SSD type PVs. No other values are supported.
Note : * Only displayed if volume group is concurrent capable

 * Source Article from : Internet