VIRTUAL SCSI ( VSCSI ) and Virtual Disk Setup
Virtual SCSI is based on a client and server relationship. The Virtual I/O Server owns the physical resources and acts as server, or target, device. Physical adapters with attached disks on the Virtual I/O Server partition may be shared by one or more partitions. These partitions contain a virtual SCSI client adapter that sees these virtual devices as standard SCSI compliant devices and LUNs.
Physical disks presented to the Virtual I/O Server can be assigned to a client partition in a number of different ways using Virtual SCSI :
Logical Volume based Virtual Disk
On HMC create and connect Virtual SCSI Adatper devices as below steps and after it we will have a server-client mapping like in Figure 1 as below
1. Create the Virtual SCSI server adapterHMC -> VIO Server (VIOS1) -> DLPAR -> Virtual Adapters -> Action -> Create -> SCISI adapterI have Filled up the following parameters as per Figure 1
Adapter : 3 Checked the box for “This adapter is required for partition activation“Server Partition : VIOS1( I selected VIOS1 server) Server Adapter ID : 12 ( This is the slot C12 and it is associated with Client 1 ( webmanual01) We need to update same for Client 2 and Client 3 with slot 13 and 14 |
2. Modify the profile of VOI server (VIOS1) accordingly for next reboot . We can be updated it by : Configuration -> Managed Profile -> Select the Profile -> Action Edit -> Virtual Adapters -> Action -> Create -> SCISI adapterI have Filled up the following parameters as per Figure 1
Adapter : 12 Checked the box for “Only Selected Client Partition to Connect“Client Partition : webmanual01 ( I selected Client partition) Server Adapter ID : 3 ( This is the slot C12 and it is associated with Client 1 ( webmanual01) We need to update same for Client 2 and Client 3 with slot 13 and 14 and Client partition slot 3 |
3. Create the Virtual SCSI client adapter HMC -> VIO Client (webmanual01) -> DLPAR -> Virtual Adapters-> Action -> Create -> SCISI adapterI have Filled up the following parameters as per Figure 1
Adapter : 12 Checked the box for “Only Selected Client Partition to Connect“Client Partition : webmanual01( I selected Client partition) Server Adapter ID : 3( This is the slot C12 and it is associated with Client 1 ( webmanual01) We need to update same for Client 2 and Client 3 with Server slot 13 and 14 and Client partition slot 3 |
4. Modify the profile accordingly for next reboot . We can be updated it by : Configuration -> Managed Profile -> Select the Profile -> Action Edit -> Virtual Adapters -> Action -> Create -> SCISI adapterI have Filled up the following parameters as per Figure 1
Adapter : 3 Checked the box for “This adapter is required for partition activation“Server Partition : VIOS1( I selected VIOS1 server) Server Adapter ID : 12 ( This is the slot C12 and it is associated with Client 1 ( webmanual01) We need to update same for Client 2 and Client 3 with slot 13 and 14 |
5. Run cfgdev on VIO server and it will bring up vhostX on VIO server in our example it is vhost0, vhost1 and vhost2 |
6. Run cfgmgr on VIO client webmanual01 and it will bring up vscsiX on client in our example it is vscsi0,vscsi1 and vscsi2 |
Figure 1
For Dual VIO set perform Step 1 to Step 5 on VIOS2 . In Figure 1 , we have created three Virtual SCSI adapter vhost0 , vhost1 and vhost3 with slot C12 , C13 and C14 for Client 1 , Client 2 and Client 3 respectively. Here Client 1 = webmanual01 , Client 2 = webmanual02 and Client 3 = webmanual03.
Now checking adapter mappings between VIO server and client:
On vio VIOS1:
To display all I/O slots that are not hot-pluggable but can have DLPAR operations performed on them, type:
lsdev -slots
The system displays a message similar to the following:
U787A.001.DNZ00Y1-P1-C1 Logical I/O Slot pci4 sisscsia0 U787A.001.DNZ00Y1-P1-T5 Logical I/O Slot pci3 ent0 ent1 U9133.55A.10DFD8C-V2-C12 Virtual I/O Slot vhost0 U9133.55A.10DFD8C-V2-C13 Virtual I/O Slot vhost1 U9133.55A.10DFD8C-V2-C14 Virtual I/O Slot vhost2 |
padmin@VIOS1 : lsdev -dev vhost0 -vpd vhost0 U9133.55A.062509H-V2-C12 Virtual SCSI Server Adapter |
root@webmanual01: /root # lscfg -vpl vscsi0 … vscsi0 U8204.E8A.0680E82-V4-C12-T1 Virtual SCSI Client Adapter |
Disk assignments:
Using physical disks:
mkvdev -vdev hdisk3 -vadapter vhost0 -dev webmanual01_disk |
Using logical volumes:
Create a Storage Pool
mksp myvg_vios hdisk3 |
lsvg |
mklv -lv lv_client myvg_vios 10G |
lsvg -lv myvg_vios |
mkvdev -vdev lv_client -vadapter vhost1 -dev webmanual02_lv |
Using file backed storage pool
Create a Storage Pool
mksp my_pool hdik3 |
mksp -fb my_fb -sp my_pool -size 20G |
List the storage pool
lssp |
#mount |
mkbdsp -sp fb_testvg -bd my_fb -vadapter vhost2 -tn client_sp 10G |
mkvdev -vdev fb_testvg -vadapter vhost2 -dev webmanual03_fb |
Figure 2
On Dual VIOS setup Configuration will be like Figure 3 as below
Figure 3
Some other Virtual SCSI useful commands
To Remove an assignment to the client
rmvdev -vdev
To Remove the given file storage pool
* Source Article from : Internet