Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Migrates data without downtime

In a production environment it is always appreciative to perform a task without downtime. The AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM) allows moving or copying a logical volume to a storage-area network (SAN) LUN without downtime. We can use LVM to migrate data online with a few very helpful commands. Here I have listed below few methods
Procedure 1: Extend the VG and move data from one disk to another using the migratepv command
Task 1: Extend the VG

extendvg nimvg hdisk11

Task 2: Migrate the Logical Volumes

migratepv hdisk2 hdisk11

Task 3: Check if any logical Volume still exists on the LUN

lspv -l hdisk2

Task 4: Remove the lun from the VG

reducevg nimvg hdisk2

Procedure 2: Mirror a complete volume group using mirrorvg with the New Lun.
Task 1: Extend the VG

extendvg nimvg hdisk11

Task 2: Migrate the Logical Volumes

mirrorvg nimvg

Task 3: Check if any logical Volume still exists on the LUN

unmirrorvg nimvg hdisk2

Task 4: Remove the lun from the VG

reducevg nimvg hdisk2

Procedure 3: you can make a mirror copy of a logical volume with mklvcopy and remove one of the copies later (rmlvcopy).
Note : In the above examples hdisk2 is the existing LUN on the VG whereas hdisk11 is the new LUN.
* Article Source from : Internet